Tagged: Faith


Stand back and take your pick If you stand back right now, there are two options everyone has. Either continue therein doing the same activities, or change course and go another direction. How many...


Plan Ahead…

If you can’t manage things, make plans to manage them…   A few days ago I was feeling very overwhelmed, well at least I was starting to feel overwhelmed. God said to me “You...


Sense of urgency

Do I have a sense I urgency, a question I asked myself this morning. No is the answer, too relaxed, too comfortable, too laisse faire. Don’t hide it, don’t make excuses…deal with it. Show...

Pride kills daily 0

Pride kills daily

Today I was meditating and thought about pride. Pride isn’t obligatory, neither is it powerful against God’s will, we choose to allow pride (one way or another) to infiltrate us and lead us. At...