Productivity & Procrastination From a Biblical Perspective!

Understanding Productivity and Procrastination in the Biblical Context

The Bible and Daily Productivity

Self-Help Experts Say Plan Your Day But is it Biblical?

Q. I know procrastination is not Biblical but why is the Bible silent about Jesus’s daily routine or anyone scheduling did anyone in the bible plan out their day like productivity gurus say?

Jesus and Productivity

As you go through the Gospels you read that Jesus is going around and he’s teaching in synagogues. And this wouldn’t just apply to Jesus only.

Routines in the Bible

I’m thinking about other people as well like Paul and the disciples. You hear in the Gospels and Acts for example…Someone like Jesus would frequently go to the synagogue and teach. Or Paul, like clockwork for a period of time, every Sabbath would go to the synagogue and reason with the Jews about the things pertaining to Christ.

That was a sort of schedule, a routine he had. There are elements of routine all the way throughout the scripture.

The Significance of Routine in Scripture

I’ll show you a passage in a moment which I think is quite significant. But before this I want to discuss Jesus a little more.

The Life of Jesus and Routine

Think about what Jesus does throughout the Gospels. It may not always be telling you…This is what he did today. And then this is what he did the next day, and then the third day, and then the fourth day, fifth day of the week etc. But we can see, and begin to piece together how what his life began to look like, as he started his earthly ministry on a public scale.

The Role of Jewish Feasts in Time Management

Now if you think about it from a broad level for a moment, the Jews had feasts every single year they took part in. Let’s just take for example Passover. Because during Passover, everyone would come to the Temple in Jerusalem. And this is relevant when we consider schedules and routines.

Feasts as Markers of Routine

At a set time, at different times of the year, their schedule (if they were obedient) meant they were to be in a specific location. So if they were trying to complete the law and be devout, they would have their schedule to book, in that regard.

The Consistent Nature of Biblical Routine

If you now start going deeper from that bird’s eye view, this is where we read examples like during the Feast of Tabernacles in John’s Gospel (John 10), Jesus is coming to the Temple.

And this would outline their plans for what the people will do. So they’re going to come to Jerusalem, they’re going to stay for let’s say two weeks. And they’re gonna take part in the feast, they’re going to see family, congregate, and then be on their way.

The Notion of Scheduling and Planning in the Bible

In those scenarios they’re doing things towards a schedule. And we see so much of that sort of stuff in the Bible. But because it’s not laid out like, day one, two, three, four and day 5, we can miss the fact there’s a consistent nature happening over and over again. And not things seeming random.

Planning the Day in Biblical Context

Another thing I’ll say, is give a Biblical example of a passage which encourages us to take every day seriously. And that we should use it wisely..

Ephesians Chapter Five and Productivity/Time Management

The passage which I thought about first when I read the question was a really important important passage I believe, in Ephesians chapter five. Because this talks about how we should treat our days. And I spoke about this particular verse recently.

It wasn’t this, it was actually the verse before, but notice Ephesians 5:16. And notice what Paul is talking about

“Redeeming the time because the days are evil”

But it says before that,

“See then” so pay attention “that you walk circumspectly” which is like being wise. “not as fools but as wise” so be doubly wise as I like to say. And how can we be wise? He says “redeeming” which is like buying back, getting back “the time” the time that we have every day, why? “Because the days are evil”

Understanding Procrastination in the Light of Ephesians Chapter Five

So when you think about a passage like this, this is being classified as the wise thing to do right? It’s a wise thing Paul is saying here to redeem the time, to buy back the time. But not to waste the time you have everyday.


Because the days are evil!

Procrastination is robbing you of time. Because the things we spend days sometimes wasting time, that is robbing us. And stopping us from redeeming the time.

So there’s nothing wrong with planning out your day. There’s nothing wrong with having some sort of schedule, and all these different kind of things it’s actually based on a passage like this. It’s actually a very wise thing to do. Just remember Only right now is promised. And we should do all things, thinking “The Lord’s will be done”.

Biblical Productivity Hacks in Chronicles

When you read a rarely read book like Chronicles, you can see a lot of the framework of how God ordered the Temple service. And this really goes back to the Book of Exodus (from Exodus 25 to chapter 40).

God is outlining this is all the stuff I want you to do. And He is giving them instructions like, burn the offering at this point in the day, light the candle at this point in the day and so forth.

Redeeming the Time: A Biblical Perspective on Productivity

A lot of the productivity hacks self-help experts teach are really things which you can find in the Bible, in one way shape or form. And they are to help us redeem the time because the days are evil.

God bless.

Next find out my 7 Biblical Steps To Success.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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