Your Talk Is Cheap & Everyone Knows It!

Would you like to know why thousands of more people a month are not seeing your content?

Would you like to know why more people are not paying you the money you want?

And would you like to know how to reach more people, make more money, and not have to do anything borderline that will compromise your faith?

Today I’m going to read a verse in Proverbs. I’m also going to share a story of a woman in the Bible,

who transformed her life, her family tree, and it will transform you and me.

And the one thing that will change everything for you, is integrity.

Talk Is Cheap (Proverbs 14)

Proverbs 14 has a wise, powerful saying that will change your life if you let it. It says,

In all labour there is profit…

In all, how much labour? In all labour the Bible says, there is profit. That word labour is interesting when you study it.

It means pain, toil and sorrow. It means hardship. But how can that be?

That word profit means, superiority, abundance and profit.

How can there be abundance in every bit of hardship, pain and toil? Well number one because the Bible says so. 🙂

But number two because, that’s the way God made things.

Every situation you’re facing right now that you don’t like, has profits waiting for you to collect.

But most don’t think about the profit! They meditate on the pain….

Don’t Meditate on the Pain, Focus On The Profit!

In the past I’ve been so focused on the pain of sharing my message and only a few people watching.

Because of this, I didn’t fully commit to it, and that’s a problem that’s held me back.

So concerned with the pain that more people are not lining up to watch videos and buy my stuff, that the profit waiting for me was getting left behind.

So focused on the pain and toil, that the strength and resilience it’s giving me was of no value.

In every hardship you have right now, there’s as much profit waiting for you to use, to get ahead.

But that’s only half of the verse. The other half is what I brought you to this verse for.

It says,

In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips [tendeth] only to penury.

In every action you take there’s profit, but talking, only leads to poverty, to lack, to weakness.

So recording your message and sharing it when only one or two people are watching, isn’t a waste of time. There’s profit there for you.

You’re getting better at presenting, sharing your ideas and serving your audience.

Making the offer again, when nobody bought the last time isn’t a waste of time. You’re learning more about what works and what doesn’t.

You’re making a better offer, and saving time the next time you make an offer.

Only Talking Creates Poverty

But when all you do is talk, you’re only going to stay in poverty.

“I’m going to record the video”, “I’m going to make the offer” “I’m going to, I’m going to, I’m going to”, but no follow through.

When this happens you let yourself down. And you let others down. And people won’t say it to you, but they’ll think it.

And this is why when you share something and say I’m taking it seriously now, people won’t believe you.

You post once, and then are gone for weeks. I’ve been in that exact position. People want stability. Humans are people of habit.

You need to work more than you talk. Or you’ll talk more than you work, and experience nothing but poverty.

You must work, even when painful, knowing that there’s profit for you now, but also to come.

I was talking about this Proverb to someone and I said, this is probably where the saying talk is cheap comes from.

Your talk is cheap and everyone knows it.

The great thing about this is, talk doesn’t have to stay cheap…

People are not looking for you to tell them, the system has told them what to do their whole life.

People are looking for you to tell them, and show them.

No Excuses

It’s 11:30pm right now, and I usually go to bed at 10:30pm, but I’m up making this because of my integrity to myself.

I told myself I would make this for you today. And also this morning, I told my brother I would too.

So even though I was doing other things that were productive today, I want to keep my word to myself. It’s that important.

Because the next time I speak to my brother, I want to say I did it.

Despite the hardship, despite the pain, I didn’t just talk, I did.

This is why you’re reading this now.

This is the kind of energy and grit people you follow are putting into their message. And when you don’t do the same, people can tell. People feel it.

They may not understand why they don’t want to do what you want them to. But deep within, they feel something is wrong.

Stop talking, and start walking.

Your steps will speak louder than any words coming out of your mouth.

Fortune Comes From Focus

I can spend my evening angry I’m making this, or I can take joy in the fact, this is going to transform someone’s life.

This is going to share another one of my messages with people it’s made to bless. This is going to get me another step further away from poverty.

Because I’m running away from poverty. I’m on the run, I’m flying as far away from poverty as I can. I don’t want anything to do with it.

Cheap talk leads to a cheap walk. But cheap talk, comes from cheap thoughts. And cheap thoughts come from cheap beliefs.

Cheap beliefs, create cheap thoughts, and cheap thoughts create cheap talk. And cheap talk leads to a cheap walk.

That was a bit of a tongue twister, say that five times fast.

I want rich beliefs because it leads to rich actions. Understanding that in all labour there is profit, is a rich thought to spend time thinking about.

This is all about integrity.

A Great Example In The Bible

I’m going to share a story in the Bible of a woman who transformed her life, her family tree, and will do the same for you and me, if we follow her integrity.

Because integrity is the key to get more people to follow you, to make more money and to do this without compromising your beliefs.

I want to talk about Ruth, the Moabitess.

Ruth’s story will blow your mind.

She’s one of two women with a book named after her in the Bible.

I’m going to start with the very first verse in the book because there’s so much juice for you.

The book opens by saying,

Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Beth–lehem–judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab,

He, his wife, and his two sons.

The Book of Ruth is right after the Book of Judges. So you’ve got the five books of Moses, then you’ve got Joshua, then Judges, then you’ve got Ruth.

But when you read Ruth, the first thing it tells you is, this is the same time as the Judges, the book before.

Have Integrity Even When Those Around You Don’t

I’m highlighting this because there’s a common phrase said over and over again in the Book of Judges.

It says, in those days there was no king in Israel, but every man, how many people? Every man did what was right in his own eyes.

That’s not integrity, that’s not Godly integrity, that’s Earthly, carnal Integrity.

“I think this is right so this is what I’m going to do”

This person over here thinks this is right, so this is what they are going to do.

“I think this is right so this is what I’m going to do”

That’s self-service integrity and that’s not Godly integrity, that’s not integrity at all.

That’s subjective. This is one of the main things which destroys atheism

Atheists have no solid foundation to stand on from one century to the next. They can’t make up what is right and what’s wrong. It’s sinking sand, that’s what it is, they’re shape-shifting.

They will say things like, how could God do this in the Bible, then turn around and be like oh no, you know what, this is good.

Imagine the nonsense of the atheist belief.

Every man did what was right in their own eyes. This is significant because this is a time where doing what you wanted was common.

And we are living in a time right now where many people out there are saying and living like this too.

Ruth’s living in a time where you could do what you want and it’s expected. Everybody was doing it, but she didn’t.

She had every right. She had every right in that time to not have integrity.

Judges is a time when anything goes.

You’ve watched or know about the movie The Purge, where they have a day once a year where all laws get suspended.

Go and do what you want, and that’s when the real version of many of the people came out.

They took off the mask, they took off the costume, and allowed their full carnal nature to be on display.

They go out and kill and do loads of crazy stuff, that’s what happens when there’s no Integrity. When there’s no solid foundation, you can do whatever you want and it will bring destruction.

Have Integrity With All People, Not Just Friends

The second layer to this, is that she was a Moabite.

When the Israelites came out of Egypt, they wanted to pass through certain people’s land.

The Moabites were one of them. The Moabites didn’t let them, so there’s back and forth between Israel and Moab.

This is another reason why naturally speaking, she could lack Integrity, but she didn’t.

Have Integrity In Hard Times

During the book of Ruth, Ruth’s husband dies. Her mother in law Naomi’s husband dies, and Naomi’s other son who’s married,
dies too.

So Naomi leaves Moab and is heading back to Israel. She sets out with Ruth and her other daughter in law Orpah. Not Oprah, Orpah.

Naomi says to both in 1:8-9…

Go return each of you to her mother’s house: the Lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me. The Lord grant you that you may find rest each [of you] in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them; and they lifted up their voice and wept.

After Naomi says go back, the Lord bless you, Ruth and Orpah lifted up their voice and wept, and they said, surely we will return with you unto your people.

Now listen to :11-13,

And Naomi said turn again my daughters why will you go with me are there sons in my womb that may be your husbands, turn again my daughters go, for I am too old to have an husband.

If I should say I have hope I should have a husband also tonight and should also bear sons. Are you going to wait around for them till they are grown?

Would you stay for them from having husbands? nay my daughters for it grieves me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me.

This sets up what happens next powerfully.

They both say to Naomi,

Mom we are coming with you back to Israel.

Naomi says go back home. Go back to your mother’s house, I don’t have any children currently in my womb that are going to be born anytime soon.

She says she’s too old, and The Lord’s gone out against her.

The reason this is powerful is because,

so many times in the Bible, when people think they're in their worst position, it's the complete opposite. It's God working on your behalf. Share on X

Where she thinks the Lord has left her, this is one of the most powerful moments where God is working for her.

In ALL labour there is profit!

Now listen to verse 14.

And they lifted up their voice and wept again:

Now it says Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, and that was a kiss goodbye.

It’s evident from what happens next.

But Ruth it says, clave unto her, she held on tight.

Orpah said, I’ll see you later, Ruth said no, I ain’t going anywhere. I’m in this for the long run.

Check Your Integrity Based On This

When I read things like this I ask,

“Who am I in this scenario? The people you’re serving Israel, do they see you as Orpah, someone who says you can count on me then disappears?

Or do they see me as someone like Ruth, a person of integrity that says I’m here to help, I’m here to stay, and does?

Israel, are you the one kissing goodbye, or are you the one cleaving?”

That might not be normal, but I think stuff like this. Not because I’m Ruth or Orpah, but because these principles are relevant today.

Orpah believed like most in the time of Judges, that if you give your word but find out, things are harder, you can back out.

“I know you thought it would cost this, but its more than you thought.”

“You’re going to have to work late tonight so you don’t break your word.”

“You can’t say that, because although it will get you more sales today, it’s not true and will cost you in the long run.”

Difficulty isn’t an excuse to escape what you said, if you want to impact thousands more.

So when Orpah said with Ruth, surely we’re going to come back with you, did she really mean it?

She didn’t, because she heard of a few potential difficulties and she was gone.

This is someone who was weeping and crying moments before. But now, because somebody said a couple of things,

“Oh yeah you know what I did say I’m coming back, but my in law has no children, she’s old, why am I going to Israel? Deuces, I’m gone.”

Have Expensive Talk, Not Cheap Talk

Ruth held on because her word said I’m holding on, and her actions followed. And it’s going to become clearer as we continue

We know it was a kiss goodbye because it says in verse 15,

And she said, [Naomi that is], behold your sister-in-law is gone back unto her people, unto her gods: return you after your sister-in-law.

It's not what you say, it's what you say and what you do. Share on X This is what separates God from everybody else.

God always says what He will do and always does it. Nobody else can say that honestly.

I want to go back to verse 15 because it highlights something.

Naomi said, behold your sister-in-law is gone back unto her people, and unto her gods: go after your sister-in-law.

I want you to realize we never hear of Orpah again…

We never hear of Orpah again!

We are about three thousand plus years removed from this, and we still talk about this woman today. This is what Integrity can do for you.

Ruth is still being a blessing to people over three thousand years after she came and went. That’s what God can do with your integrity when you trust in Him.

We never hear of Orpah again. She’s gone, done and dusted.

Integrity Is Memorable

This is not only why people will not remember you if you lack integrity, they will do their best to forget you.

People are only looking for people who can help them, not harm them.

Ruth meant what she said when she was weeping with Naomi and Orpah.

This is how much she means it!

Where you go Naomi I’m going. Where you stay Naomi, I’m staying. Your people Naomi are my people.

Your God Naomi, is my God. And where you die Naomi, I’m going to die, there will I be buried.

The Lord do so to me and more also if anything but Death separates us.

You can see it, you can feel it as you read it. This sounds like a woman who does what she says and there’s power in that.

You can build on that. You can’t build on someone, or with someone who changes like shifting sand. You cannot build anything worthwhile.

This is why we never hear of Orpah again. But this is why Ruth is such a powerful woman from history.

Because this is what you can build with someone who means what they say and says what they mean.

Most Lack Integrity So It Stands Out

People are so used to people letting them down, it’s a breath of fresh air when you come along and do what you say.

Integrity moves people.

So they come back to town. This trip was about two weeks. Ruth & Naomi's Journey from Moab to BethlehemNaomi says don’t call me Naomi anymore which means beautiful.

She says call me Mara, which means bitter, because the Lord has dealt bitterly with me.

If only.

One of my teachers in school said something I haven’t forgotten.

She said, if only are the two saddest words in the English language. Whatever you say after it is always negative.

If only Naomi knew at that moment, The Lord was not dealing bitterly, but was doing something beautiful.

The Lord was blessing her in a way that she never imagined.

There’s things The Lord has worked out for you, but you’re so focused on the things you’ve lost, you are not letting the things you’ve gained, set you free. Share on X

They’re two widows. No husband, no sons, or brother so they’re not in the best position.

One of the things widows, strangers and orphans did was glean.

They would go to wealthy people’s fields and God commanded, when you take your crop, leave the corners,.

Leave the crops on the boundaries of your fields for the poor.

Leave them for the widow, the stranger, and the fatherless.

Ruth Stays True To Her Word

Ruth goes out as a woman of integrity to glean. Naomi’s old, so Ruth goes out to glean for both of them, and she ends up in a man’s field called Boaz.

He comes to town and is like what’s going on? He says who’s that woman over there, and they tell him.

That woman over there is Ruth, she came with Naomi from Moab. She’s been gleaning all day, she’s barely taken a break.

They are talking about her integrity and hard work to Boaz, before she ever meets him.

This is what will happen for you. What are people saying about you to people asking about you?

That’s a question you weren’t ready for were you? But it matters.

Boaz goes over to Ruth and based on this report says, don’t go to any other field to glean.

Come and stay in my field and glean for the whole of harvest.

She’s poor, but poverty doesn’t mean anything to God. The silver is mine and the gold is mine says the Lord of hosts.

God can change your situation like that.

You really think God can’t send a flood of new people to hear your message, but what are they going to hear?

What are they going to find?

Are they going to show up and find nothing? Will they show up to a message that’s not that good, because it’s made from a place of, no-one will watch, so I’m not giving my best?

Or are they going to show up and be like, “where were you two years ago? This is what I’ve prayed for and God answered my prayers.

One Move Is All It Takes

After Boaz has changed her situation dramatically, listen to what Ruth asks…

This is chapter 2:10.

Then she fell on her face and she bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, why have I found grace in your eyes,

This is such a good question. I love it when the Bible highlights stuff like this and gives us an answer.

It makes it easy for us to take application from it.

Ruth continues with her question,

Why have you been so nice to me that you should take knowledge of me seeing I’m a stranger?

“I’m not an Israelite, so why are you being so nice to me?”

Listen to Boaz’s reply in verse 11.

And Boaz answered and said unto her, it’s been fully shown to me,

They told me everything Ruth!

All that you have done…

Unto who?

Your mother-in-law, since the death of your husband: and you have left your father and your mother, and the land of your Nativity, where you were born, and are come unto a people which you know not.

Think about the timeline. They came to town and it was Harvest Time. The journey for Ruth and Naomi from Moab to Israel was dangerous.

Two widows traveling from Moab to Israel would take about two weeks.

Orpah just left.

She just left.

She said I’m not coming with you, I’m going back to my people, I’m going back to my god.

Ruth says, don’t speak to me again about leaving you Naomi. I’m done with the Moabites and their ungodly practices.

I’m coming with you to Elohim, to Jehovah, because these are my people and this is my God.

It was Harvest Time.

If Orpah went with them, it wouldn’t have been long before Boaz would have transformed their lives.

But Boaz is saying I’ve heard everything that you have done to your mother-in-law.

Boaz heard how Ruth kept her word. I’m sure Boaz heard about Orpah too…

Integrity Makes You Stand Out Next To A Lack Of Integrity

Because of Orpah’s lack of Integrity, it elevated Ruth’s Integrity.

When you say you’re going to share your message but don’t, you make other people with a similar message who do, look better.

The opposite is true too.

This is why what you say and do is so important.

Boaz continues,

The Lord recompense your work, the Lord repay you for your work, and a full reward be given to you of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings you are now come to trust.

Trusting in God is a good thing. Having Integrity is a good thing, because when you are a person of Integrity you’re being just like God.

She continues to glean, she gets an abundance of grain and shares with Naomi.

Then in the next chapter Naomi says,

Ruth, it’s time my daughter I do something for you. It’s time we get you married, this is what I need you to do.

Guess who she is trying to set her up with? None other than Boaz.

This rich and super wealthy guy, who loves everything he’s heard about Ruth.

I want to remind you of chapter 1. The things that Orpah allowed to get her to walk away.

“She doesn’t have any children, she’s old, why are you going to wait around for any child that could come of me? Why are you not going to go and get married?”

That was enough for Orpah to leave. Now Ruth has been gleaning, been taking care of her mother, doing what she says.

And what does Naomi say? She’s not talking about children, she’s saying look, that guy over there, he can be your husband,

and I’m going to show you exactly how to get him.

Integrity Pays, & Pays, & Pays…

That’s what happens when you keep your word. When you keep your word, you find yourself in the right positions.

Boaz marries Ruth. And then a powerful move from God is clear.

Where Naomi was saying The Lord left me, no,

The Lord was cementing you Naomi. The Lord was cementing Naomi’s legacy.

As someone great from history. Because the woman God drew out of Moab, is somebody great.

Listen to Ruth chapter 4. Ruth has now married Boaz.

And all the people,

How many people? It says, all,

all that were in the gate, and the elders said we are witnesses. The Lord make the woman that is come into your house Boaz like Rachel and like Leah.

Why like them?

Which two did build the house of Israel: and do thou worthily in Ephratah and be famous in Bethlehem.

Oh God made them famous in Bethlehem trust me…

And let thy house be like the house of Pharez whom Tamar bare unto Judah, of the seed which the Lord shall give thee of this young woman.

This young poor widow woman transformed her life like that. She transformed her family tree.

Why do you think I was saying earlier, we never hear of Oprah again? It’s because she’s irrelevant. That’s what Ruth would have been too, irrelevant.

But her decision to be a woman of Integrity, to walk forward and trust God changed her family tree.

Our Family Tree Is Special, So Let’s Act Like It

That’s what happens when we become children of God.

I don’t care what family you come from, whether it’s a family which is the worst of the worst, or it’s the most illustrious name.

That name means nothing, and is on no level near God’s name.

When you are born again we enter a family of opulence and wealth and integrity.

She went from a nobody who will never get mentioned,

to someone in the greatest family tree ever, because of her Integrity.

A few verses later it tells us of the son Boaz has with Ruth. His name is Obed, that means servant.

Ruth went from no significance, just any other person, to the family tree of the king.

But most significantly the family tree of the King of Kings, our Lord and Saviour King Jesus Christ.

That’s what integrity can do for you.

There’s a destination God desires for us all to get to, that’s what he created us for.

As we walk in integrity, God will continue to lead and guide us to that place.

Like Orpah, there will be moments it seems difficult, it seems hard, it seems like it’s best to turn back, or go a different direction.

I beg you, keep walking, keep walking.

Orpah was that close. She was days away from experiencing something life-changing.

But she missed out, she lost it. She had the same opportunity Ruth did. But Ruth is the one in the family tree of King David, of King Jesus.

We are in the family tree of King Jesus too, so let’s act like it.

Keep walking, because there’s people God wants to use you to bring into His family tree.

The one woman who transformed her life, transformed her family tree, and is helpful to transform you and me is Ruth.

Go Win And God Bless Winners.



He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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