Tagged: Abraham

Candace Owens - George Farmer 0

Roman Catholic Vs Protestant Debate

Examining a Recent Roman Catholic Vs Protestant Debate Candace Owens’ husband George Farmer, recently quoted 1 Bible verse, which he believes is a knock-down argument in a debate in Roman Catholic Vs Protestant debates....

From rags to riches 0

From rags to riches

God is a man of his word, he proves it time and time again. Lets look at God’s statement hundreds of years prior to the encounter. “And he said unto Abram, Know of a...

Change is hard but needed 0

Change is hard but needed

Being a Christian  I have found it hard to not stand out in common societal beliefs. It is part of life. Most people go against what I believe in. Some changes I have made have been hard...


Sowing and Reaping

Yesterday was an article based on investing. I went through several characteristics some have when we refer to investing. I pretty much finished off my article, using Isaac as an example. Isaac sowed and...


Stand back and take your pick If you stand back right now, there are two options everyone has. Either continue therein doing the same activities, or change course and go another direction. How many...