Savile is gone but life goes on…

This edition focuses on the BBC’s starlet in the 60’s Jimmy Savile. Jimmy Savile, who raised millions for charity and was a public figure for many years ago. This article will go much deeper than just one man and I feel rightly so. One thing to mention quite swiftly is Jimmy Savile is dead, he died last year and has no way of representing himself, with new statements or views on the recent accusations made against him and the more accusations which are waiting in the future. We profess that the UK is a democracy, so in trying times, this is when we are tested. For people of a certain age, they may never know how famous Mr Savile was, neither will they have first hand knowledge of how times were during these times. The 60’s were a very interesting time, the fact things like contraception became so widespread in this era, it shows us the kind of lifestyle people were probably living.

Right now we may be in a specific time in regards to analysis, Mr Savile has died, ITV have released their documentary on his affairs and given people the space to speak about what was allegedly done to them, the police are receiving daily additions to the hundreds of enquiries people have made and the story goes on. I feel this is the best opportunity to comment on this situation and perhaps I will do more writing as time permits in the future.

What we have is a man who had much star power and seemed to exploit it. We must be very mindful due to the fact everyone has their own agenda. ITV are somewhat rivals to the BBC, so they may look to exaggerate things in order for them to look bad. I have an agenda so everyone must be careful. For me I use a situation every month and express my views, thoughts, facts and opinions based on the matter.

 ITV portrayed a message in my opinion which was based on a BBC cover up in simple form, claiming many people aided Mr Savile in his desirous affairs. This may be through giving him the space to carry out acts, keeping quiet, providing young girls, drawing young girls and many other things. One thing we did learn from the documentary was that this cover up (if there was, goes much further than the BBC). Like in all situations, someone has to be the sacrificial lamb. It seems this time the BBC are the ones to bear the burden. We have seen how an enquiry is expected, which I have never really understood. We claim to be all equal before the law, however one man is tried before his peers and another receives an enquiry. This doesn’t mean sentences will not inevitably be passed however there is clear double standards in regards to the legal system. We might have heard some of the descriptions being thrown around “undoubtedly one of the most prolific sex offenders of recent history”.  If proven to be guilty he would be. The BBC may have covered up these issues, thinking bringing him down would be bad for business but there are times when issues far outweigh business and something needs to be done. The onus must not be solely placed at the BBC or even at Savile, what about others Savile worked for? What about family, friends, acquaintances? What about the schools who let Savile take children from their premises? There will never be solely one person to blame because many may have seen this potential predator as an opportunity too big to miss. Even this morning we are hearing of more complaints said to be in the pipeline, this morning a family member came out talking about what had been done to her on several occasions, only to be pushed back. We know of an investigation a few years back which ultimately came to nothing.

Jimmy Savile could have been tried in a court of law many a years ago, for whatever reason he was not. This doesn’t mean times have gone, there are still others who potentially aided crimes and profited due to his surge to the top. This situation just highlights the fact that years may go by, people do not forget, and people are always held accountable. When I have read article recently and watched programmes about this issue, the people who are now coming forward saying they should have done something, the people which claim they knew and didn’t do anything, this does not surprise me and I don’t feel like they are doing a service now. People have been damaged! The time these people needed strong people to help them, they stood back and revelled in the good times they witnessed. It’s a disgrace that some can come on TV and act shocked,  be tearful, when they are not the victim. Many have lived with these thoughts for years and stood back. The police have claimed there are three categories concerning this matter and people should be aware, people have already been arrested in connection and I believe many more will follow.

50 years ago people made their name with Jimmy Savile and some profess to know what was going on. Some profess to have witnessed Jimmy Savile molesting children. We will see what happens in the future and see who shoulders the blame for any transgressions. We should look to see justice prevail and help any victims in this matter.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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