Are you prepared for the kingdom?

Studying some of the prophetic scriptures recently it began to make me think about how prepared I am for the coming kingdom. Jesus spoke in volume about the end times as we have come to call it. I then went back to the Old Testament and read more prophecies (ones Jesus alluded to). I started to again refresh some of the things I had studied years ago. Due to the theme of my current study, it linked in very well with being prepared for the end times. 

I asked myself some questions…

– Am I prepared for the end times?
– What does the Bible say about the end times?
– Who will the end times effect and how?

I made a conscious decision to make it a significant point going forward. Why? I made it an importance because I know what happens in the future is important to me. I’m not going to wait for tomorrow though. I know that by preparing myself daily, when tomorrow comes, I will be ready. Let me give you an example now. Cast your minds back to Matthew 25 (if your memory is hazy, merely open up the text). The whole context of the 1st parable is timing in the future and preparation daily. Those 5 foolish virgins, were not preparing themselves daily in the way they should have. It wasn’t one day of being unprepared, it was many days. Daily they would misuse their oils and the day which it counted, is the day which they were judged.  If they made a conscious effort to move at a steady pace every day and work on their preparation, they would have learned to ensure they carried the right amount every day. This was merely a decision, a decision which would ultimately pay off in the future.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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