Tagged: People


Don’t live in the past…

It is now 2013 and I want to set out a warning from day one. Many people for several different reasons like to live in the past. Whether they had good times in 2012,...

It will come to an end 0

It will come to an end

Do you know what this number means? 315 What do all these companies have in common? News of the world         Woolworths       Madoff Investment Securities     The...



Look at the picture below…. This picture depicts Potential. Each person’s potential has something potent inside… The question is, are you fulfilling your POTENTial? For ways to fulfill your potential post comments and let...

The unjust life 0

The unjust life

To live by the sword and take someone’s life unjustly was enough for the same treatment to come back round to bite… Many characters in King David’s time showed us this.