Luke 1:67-80 God’s Salvation…To the Jew 1st Then the Gentile!
In Luke 1 67-80 John the Baptist’s father Zachariah takes centre stage. He is filled with the Spirit and prophesies powerfully. To watch more in the Gospel of Luke series, click here.
In Luke 1 67-80 John the Baptist’s father Zachariah takes centre stage. He is filled with the Spirit and prophesies powerfully. To watch more in the Gospel of Luke series, click here.
In Luke 1 56-66 Elizabeth gives birth to John the Baptist. The early days in John’s life, highlight the power of The Truth, and the problems that come from traditions. Notes* Towards the end,...
Reading through the scriptures this morning, I read through two accounts of Jesus feeding thousands and came up with the title “You can do it – feed the five thousand.” Both accounts came in...
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