Do You Need To Keep The Law To Be Saved?
Do You Need To Keep The Law To Be Saved? Do you need to keep the law to get saved? This is a question which got debated from the very beginning of the church....
Do You Need To Keep The Law To Be Saved? Do you need to keep the law to get saved? This is a question which got debated from the very beginning of the church....
In Luke 1 67-80 John the Baptist’s father Zachariah takes centre stage. He is filled with the Spirit and prophesies powerfully. To watch more in the Gospel of Luke series, click here.
In Luke 1 56-66 Elizabeth gives birth to John the Baptist. The early days in John’s life, highlight the power of The Truth, and the problems that come from traditions. Notes* Towards the end,...
The Trinity In The Old Testament You are going to see the Trinity in the Old Testament today. Many people attack Christianity for our belief in the Trinity. They claim it was an invention...
In Luke 1:46-55, the blessed virgin Mary shares her thoughts on the incoming virgin birth. We are given a front row seat to something marvellous. How would the greatest woman to ever live react,...
John’s Vision of Jesus in Revelation (Revelation 1:9-19) John sees a vision of Jesus in Revelation chapter 1 that knocks him off his feet. Revelation is a book rich with symbolism. It’s a book...
The Parable of the Talents: An In-Depth Look The Parable Of The Talents is one of the best parables there is. In fact, when you understand what Jesus was doing, you’ll never think of...
When talking about the Song of Solomon, it’s not usual to discuss if it proves Solomon, and thus the Israelites, were black. The usual question is: Can we read the Song of Solomon to...
What Makes A Marriage Legitimate In God’s Eyes? If you would like to know What makes a marriage legitimate in God’s eyes, this post will help. I received a message asking about ceremonies, marriage...
The question a lot of Christians struggle with is…Did Jesus Know The Hour Of His Return? You might believe Jesus is God, but a passage like Mark 13:32 totally throws you off. My post...
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